Bundle Up! What It Means to Bundle Your Insurance Policies 

What happens when you have a lot of coverages but don’t bundle them? You end up with many confusing pieces of paperwork, and you could be spending more money than you need. Do you have different policies from different providers? Maybe you weren’t sure you wanted to bundle your policies and just never went back. Today, we will look over the importance of bundling your policies from more than just the money-saving aspect, and we understand how important that is! 


Let’s Save Some Money 

The biggest reason that many people have insurance bundles is the amount of money they can save. When you bundle your policies, you allow one insurance carrier to insure multiple lines under the same policy. The most popular bundle usually consists of home, life, and auto policies. Why do people lean towards bundling their policies? Bundling is typically done due to the agency offering some form of discount. These discounts are generally between 10% and 2% per policy. With this discount, you could be saving quite a bit of money every year. Money-saving isn’t the only perk to bundling your policies. 


Simplify the Confusion of Insurance Policies 

Simplification is the best way to help keep your life organized, and your insurance agency understands that! When you bundle your insurance policies, you can do away with the number of monthly bills you receive due to your coverages being under one entity. In addition to the convenience, if your insurance policies get done this way, it makes filing a claim more manageable if you ever need to. Life is hectic, and we all have so many things we want to do with so little time. Condensing all of your bills into one can help you save time and stress.  


Helps Build a Relationship with Your Agent 

Did you know that bundling your policies together can help you gain or create a better relationship with your insurance agent? When you begin working with a singular agent for all of your insurance needs, they can get to know you better and will be able to suggest insurance policies that you may need more accurately. In addition to their helpful eyes, they can help you find ways to save money on your policies. When you aren’t directly interacting with your agent, they will be on the lookout for potential risks that you need to know about. This type of personalization is hard to find when your policies get split throughout multiple agencies. Bundle up those policies to protect yourself and prepare for the unexpected with your insurance agent by your side.  


Are you ready to bundle up your policies? Then, contact your local insurance agency to meet with your agent today.