What Are the Real Consequences of Skipping Breakfast?

Mornings are difficult, aren’t they? You’re rushing to get showered and dressed – and if you have kids, to get them up, showered, and dressed – and you have to make it to work on time! With everything going on, stopping and making breakfast is not on your to-do list. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But do you really know what skipping breakfast does to your body? Here are the reasons why you need to kick the habit of kicking breakfast to the curb.  

Your Brain Slows Down 

It’s not just the Monday morning blues. It seems like every time you get to work and start your day, you simply can’t focus. When you skip breakfast, your blood sugar drops, and the glucose that your brain needs to function at top capacity is nowhere to be found. There are plenty of studies that have proven that both adults and children perform better at work or school after they’ve started their day with a balanced breakfast.  

Your Mood Drops 

Another way that missing breakfast affects your brain is by affecting your dopamine and serotonin levels – the chemicals in your brain that regulate mood. You might have heard of the phrase “hangry” – a combination of “hungry” and “angry.” No one wants to be known as the hangry person in the office! Aside from the chemical effects, hunger can also cause headaches and tiredness, which further bring down your mood.  

You’re at Greater Risk for Health Problems  

You might think skipping breakfast is harmless, but studies have shown that regularly missing “the most important meal of the day” can increase your likelihood of diabetes and heart disease. The reason behind this is that skipping your first meal after a night of fasting (as you sleep) causes extra stress in the body that can lead to insulin resistance and plaque buildup.  

Adopting better wellness habits such as eating breakfast every day is one of the best things you can do for your overall health – mental and physical. By taking good care of yourself, you increase your happiness, lengthen your lifespan, and can be there for your loved ones longer. Not only that, your insurance rates may be lowered as well! Start tomorrow – the most important meal of the day may save your life.